Klarda Research API Quickstart

This guide is designed to help new developers quickly get started with using the Research API to access in-depth research reports. Learn how to query research data using popular HTTP clients such as fetch or axios.

Research API Definition

The Research API is a robust set of endpoints that provide access to detailed and insightful research reports. These reports cover a wide range of topics, including market trends, blockchain technology advancements, and financial analyses. The API is designed to offer developers and analysts a streamlined way to integrate research data into their applications and workflows.

Research API Endpoint

The Research API provides endpoints for accessing comprehensive research reports on various topics. Klarda currently supports the following Research API Endpoint:

  • Get Research Report:
    Retrieves a list of research reports with pagination support.

    Endpoint: GET /api/v1/research/reports


    • page (int, default: 1): The page number of the results to retrieve.
    • limit (int, default: 10): The number of results per page.

Example Use Cases

1. Integrating Research Data:
Use the "Get Research Report" endpoint to fetch detailed research reports and integrate them into your application. This can be useful for providing users with up-to-date research findings and analyses directly within your platform.

2. Market Analysis and Trends:
With access to comprehensive research reports, you can perform in-depth market analysis and stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the blockchain and financial sectors. This information can be leveraged for strategic decision-making and investment purposes.

We hope this quickstart guide helps you get started with the Klarda Research API. For more detailed information, please refer to the full API documentation.